Hey girl, is he everything you wanted in a man?You know I gave you the worldYou had me in the palm of your handSo why your love went awayI just can't seem to understandThought it was me and you babeMe and you until the endBut I guess I was wrongDon't want to think about itDon't want to talk about itI'm just so sick...
Do you hear me, I'm talking to you Across the water across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard I'm lucky I'm in love with my best...
I've looked for love in stranger placesBut never found someone like youSomeone whose smileMakes me feel i've been holding backAnd now there's nothing I can doCause this is real, and this is goodIt warms the inside just like it shouldBut most of allMost of all, it's built to lastIt's built to lastAll of our friendsSaw from the startSo why didn't we believe it...
OSLO, KOMPAS.com — Presiden AS Barack Obama secara mengejutkan muncul sebagai penerima Nobel Perdamaian 2009 yang diumumkan pada Jumat (9/10) di Oslo, Norwegia. Ia dianggap melakukan usaha yang luar biasa untuk mendorong diplomasi internasional dan perdamaian, terutama pendekatannya terhadap masyarakat Islam dan upayanya untuk menekan profilerasi nuklir."Obama sebagai presiden telah menciptakan iklim baru di dalam politik internasional. Diplomasi multilateral telah menjadi posisi sentral...
gila bin ajaib....hare neh...,mungkin di bilang kesialan pun gak juga.., kadang2 buat gw ketawa sendiri hari neh...dimulai dengan bangun pagi yang mana bukan alarm yang bangunin gw..,tapi hape gw yang kelempr jatoh dari tmpat tidur gara2 gw ngbasin tangan...,wkwkwk...law gak salah tu jam 1/2 6...,masih ngantuk.., cuz smlmnya gw tidur jam 12...bangun jam 1/2 8..,mandi,gosok gigi, boker,,,siap2 berangkat kuliah...hare neh gw kuliah ajip...,=Dsmuah...